Monday, August 22, 2016

Motherhood is...

*Being the last one to bed and the one who gets up at 4 am to send Daddy off to work, just to be woken up at 7 am to the kids fighting over a pillow.

*Hearing "I'm hungry" 25 times (literally) before you can roll out of bed.

*Getting onto the two toddlers for leaving the fridge door open after they got an apple without permission.

*Having an hour long stand down because your three year old absolutely COULN'T pick up the three goldfish crackers up out of the floor.

*Hearing "Let's go Mom" 15 times, "I want the purple cup" 10 times, and "I can't find my stomping shoes" 5 times (with a meltdown), before you leave the house.

*One child wanting an apple to herself, and the other won't eat all of hers, but insists on an entire apple too (half of which you will find in the litter box later).

*Hearing complaints that dinner is "too hot" or "more corn" before you can even take two bites of your own dinner, just for one child to say "I'm not hungry".

*Reading books about saying please, and having good days instead of bad days, praying theh will leave a lasting impression.

*Helping one child turn their pillow into the pet, because lord forbid they use it as a pillow like the past four nights.

*Cuddling till the kids fall asleep, because they look so peaceful with their sleepy smiles.

*Being the last one up, the one to get up for the 3 am potty crisis (because you allowed a child to have three sips of water before bed), and the first one up again an hour later.

Motherhood is keeping the whole crazy, endless cycle going each day.